Wednesday, June 23, 2010

You Really Got a Hold on Me

I'm back in the land that I love. In the land of the free. Where the horizon is framed on three sides with towering, majestic redwoods. Where the sky is an endless blue open of possibility. Where shorts, havianas and fairy wings are the norm. Where Peter Pan's neverland is my reality.
I'm back at Camp.
Yesterday I went for a run after a long day of training for my new directing position...I ran from the top office at the entrance of camp down the main road and into the woods by Drake Campfire. Somewhere admist the thick forest of redwoods, I slowed my pace and looked up--I had entered the part of the woods known as the Valley of the Giants--They dwarfed me...Speaking generously, I might have been 1/5000th of their size...For the first time since all the hubbub of graduation, I felt small...
Now usually when I hear that word, I associate it with insignificance and there is nothing I hate more than being made to feel inconsequential. But though I felt small, I felt if my smallness was only temporary and the Titans of the Valley were sheltering me from some destructive force and allowing me to grow.
For a moment I reveled in this comraderie with the trees, my new big brothers, and eventually continued on my jog to the top of the hill.
Dangerously wheezing and shockingly out of shape, I all but crawled my way to the mountain's summit. After dry heaving a little bit and slowing my heart rate to a tolerable beat, I lifted my head from between my knees to see that breathtaking sunset ahead....The mountains dipped and rose into beds of the Giants that I just ran through...just beyond the tree dotted land lay the ocean....And instead of feeling overwhelmed as I have when I looked into the beyond in the past few weeks, I felt excited!!
There is so much out there for me...and though I am writing from my world of minimum wage jobs and liberal arts graduate naivete, I feel I can safely say that my work here will prepare me for whatever it is that lies before me.